
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Excuse my fat, please

     A business woman should dress professional, an astronaut must dress for outerspace, and a firefighter must dress for the heat. But a fat person? What do they dress for? Misery? Disguise? Or do they simply dress for very same reason that any other human being would--fashion, presentation, personality, etc? I think we can all agree as human beings that we dress in order to 1.) not be running around bucked naked 2.) in order to reflect our personality and 3.) in order to look good and feel good about ourselves.  Should fat people be excluded from any of the above reasons for wearing clothing? I think not.  However, I have found this growing trend pop-up in the plethora of plus-size fashion blogs that are out there in which bloggers are writing "disclaimers"  that indicate that although they are plus size people who love fashion, they are not trying to encourage others to be/stay fat.

       Society has conditioned us to view fat people in a very particular way--lumpy, unattractive, low self-esteem, and often times funny.  Moreover, we have been conditioned to believe that being fat or overweight in any way destines one to have life-threatening health issues.  None of the above is either completely or always true.  Frankly, I'm very irritated with the fact that my fellow curvy and/or plus-size ladies cannot write a blog post, put on a pair of shorts, or whatever else they feel like doing without being bashed for promoting an "unhealthy lifestyle." A healthy lifestyle means eating healthy foods and getting regular exercise. That has NOTHING to do with how a person decides to dress their body. Furthermore, there are plenty of people fat or not who DO NOT do this. In fact, at well 5'9" 1/2 inches and weighing in well over 200 lbs., I was, at one point, running the mile in under 11 minutes, playing basketball, and making pretty damn good attempts at the flex arm hang.  As a matter of fact, I've NEVER been skinny a day in my life, but I always participated in sports and I loved my fruits, vegetables, and yogurt.  So why hate on fat people? Because society perpetuates a very strong stigma about weight, which makes all people at any size insecure about their weight. Those insecure people find consolation in picking at those who are bigger than them. With a social environment like the one we live in, who would want to see a dude or chick twice your size picking up a guy/girl whose never even looked your way?

      As a fat girl who grew up with weight of my weight looming over my head, I realized that all of the efforts (some being very negative and hurtful) my family and peers used to get me to lose weight were more harmful than helpful.  When people say, "you need to lose weight because you're unhealthy," I never believe them. You don't know a damn thing about my health. And I highly doubt that you're actually concerned about it.  What you're really trying to tell me is "you'd look better if you weren't fat" or "you would be a better person if you were skinny." Well, the next time someone feigns concerns about my weight, they will more than likely get a very polite telling-off.  I'm not going to sit around and apologize or feel bad about my weight. God made all of us in different shapes and sizes for a reason that I cannot explain.  Just like YOU may have been born with flat abs and did nothing to warrant having them, some others were born naturally with extra weight on them.  Nobody is perfect. No one ever will be.  The important thing is that we ALL focus on what is best for our bodies--eating healthy foods and exercising regularly.

       And I'm going to tell you all a little secret about myself--I feel better about myself now than I did 60 lbs smaller ago.  Why? Because I couldn't wait on losing weight in order to be happy or feel good about myself.  As a matter of fact, I do MORE things that are good for me when I feel good about myself. Fat or not, I'm beautiful and i'm going to say what I want to say, wear what I want to wear, and do whatever the hell it is I  want to do.  I am working everyday to FREE myself from the vicious stereotypes and myths, which have made my weight a debilitating focal point in my life.  I will free myself from the thoughts and feelings that have held me in devastating insecurity for so long. I am beautiful, and I love myself--I tell myself this every time some fleeting negative thought about my looks enters my mind.  So to all of the haters and all of the narrow-minded people out there who are trying to condemn  plus-size fashionistas, focus your efforts on being SECURE within yourself. Being healthy not includes your diet and activity, but it also hinges on having a positive outlook on one's self no matter where you are in your life. For those of you who truly are concerned about the health and well-being of human beings, educate yourself thoroughly and realize that weight  may not be the biggest battle (how about we talk about the limited availability of fresh and wholesome food choices to poor people? Or the fact that our readily available food choices are bogged down with artificial fillers and flavorings?)

       Welp, until next time, XOXOXO!!


  1. Love it!!!!!! Thanks for sharing and totally agree!

    1. Thank you so much for reading, please share with others!

  2. This is great :) Love your writing

  3. "As a fat girl who grew with weight of my weight looming over my head, I realized that all of the efforts (some being very negative and hurtful) my family and peers used to get me to lose weight were more harmful than helpful."

    I'll proudly say that I weighed in this Monday at 227, and while I am losing, and I have a host of health issues related to my weight, people need to understand that negative, brash commenting WILL NOT motivate us, at this point my skin is thick enough that comments about my weight go in one ear and out the other, and when I'm good and ready to lose I will do so because I want to. My grandfather who is in the medical field was the only person to really sit down with me about my weight when he was concerned, he didn't love me less, he didn't talk about how it looked on me, he was all about it and what it was doing to my body. So without getting super deep I'll say if anything stood out to me it was the part of this post! So i know exactly where you are coming from.

    I truly think that people are bothered by confident women who are classified as overweight. We are the butt of jokes (no pun intended) and I see it all the time on twitter. " Why do big girls have all this confidence?" and before I unfollow them, I let them know it's because we still have to love ourselves regardless of what others don't love about it. I'm not here to promote anything, because at the moment I'm the poster child for things that doctors talk about when it comes to weight related dieseases. Even with medication, i'm still not in great shape in the sense that i'm depending on these medications to keep me alive at the moment. I think with all the talk of weight in america/ the black community people just assume that "letting you know" about yourself will get you into action at that moment, but for me I'm finding that this is personal journey. It took me awhile to love myself as a person regardless of my weight, and other will figure out what is important to them as well, or how to love themselves. I think it's crazy that any blogger would have to defend themselves because they are the way they are and have a blog on a world wide platform. When i say the slick questioning on Today Show regarding Gabifresh I was upset because it's not anybodies business and they don't question anybody else like that on the show who might not be a size two. Society has a lot to work on when it comes to judgement and thinking people owe them explanations for anything.

    1. Thanks for the love girl! And I totally feel you on the health part of things as well. It is true, we as bigger people do have to be more careful about our health
      (I've got to lay off of the sugar), but loving ourselves is STILL at the very core of our health and well-being!

  4. I'm so glad that I got the suggestion to read this article from the blog Naturally Fashionable. I was skeptical about reading this post because there weren't any pictures for my instant viewing gratification (also known as 'reluctant to reading content not related to my thesis paper). I admit I get lazy and only look for posts with pictures and comment when I am absolutely stunned or outraged. In this case I was stunned in a good way.

    I loved what you had to say. I did want to say that I am a curvy woman and to one of the reasons you listed as to why people wear clothing let me stress I wouldn't mind running around naked as long as Tyrese was in the mix....I'm just sayin'.

    On to more pressing matters, I definitely feel you on the negative press and pressure that plus sized women get from society. I totally agree that there are more pressing concerns that people should concern themselves with. And that assumption that you don't live a healthy lifestyle because your body type...I could just scream about that.

    I admit I'm not healthy by choice. I choose not to be infatuated with having the healthy lifestyle. I've always been a live in the now and make equally good as bad life choices. You live and you learn, right?.

    It does piss me off when when people say things that pretty much align with "wow you look good for a fat girl" because that backhanded compliment makes me turn to my inner gangster and that's never a good thing for anyone within 15 feet. I know I look good and my body type is only part of the reason. And it's the worst when someone tries to question the confidence of full figured woman. Why can't I do me and you do you? I can't really help that I'm in-tune with my inner queen and I make sure I look and act like the queen I am.

    I have never believed that advertising an unhealthy lifestyle to anyone. I stand by it's all about loving yourself, knowing yourself, and living in the skin you're in.

    I greatly appreciate reading your thoughts and opinions on this matter. I'm almost inspired to write a post myself... Imma stay tuned in to see what else you have to say.

    ♥♥thank you for posting♥♥


    1. I appreciate your response! It's funny because I know I am a long-winded writer and that is what deters me from writing blog posts a lot. I will look into other ways of engaging people in my blog so the read isn't so long. Thanks for inspiring me!

  5. I love have crystalized my feelings on this subject in one blog post. Thanks...I am following you now through bloglovin!

  6. This is just a beautiful and empowering post to all plus size women out there! Ty for sharing it with us

  7. This is an empowering post for plus size and curvy women in general. Although, I'm not necessarily plus size, I have definitely felt that looming stereotype that you must be a size 2 to be pretty and to be confident. Thanks for speaking on this! Brava lady!

  8. Wow. I never knew ladies were putting "disclaimers" on their blogs. I think I just felt my heart tremble. Disclaimer for what? I can't believe the world is just getting the more narrow minded. Who are you to tell someone the way they dress is promoting a certain way of life? What about the nonsense we see on tv 24/7 that is mindlessly blasted, un-educating & leading young people astray. Why can't they go tell celebrities their way of life is messing up our youths? Why don't they tell models that the fact that they scarcely eat is causing young beautiful girls to starve themselves!!!!!!! Excuse me as I vent my anger.
    This is unacceptable & quite frankly appalling. We say we live in the 21st century yet people are still looked down on because of their size? The system is evidently corrupt.
    I have also always had a few more kilos than the "average" and for many years have been insecure about it. Many family members touched on it because everyone else in my family can eat a ton and not gain a gram. But I was different and I had to be careful. I tried so hard to mould myself according to what people said or thought. But glory to God for His deliverance. I no longer live for no one or according to nobody's point of view or expectations. I life for Jesus alone. I now know I was "fearfully and wonderfully made" and every little bit of my body is beautiful. Like you said, being "healthy" is being stressed so much that it's loosing its meaning. Just because someone is skinny says nothing about their lifestyle and the same goes for those that have a few more kilos. It DOES NOT mean they are not living healthy. We all have different metabolisms.
    All this falls down to ignorance & being so shallow.
    Loving one's self regardless of what one looks like is real self acceptance. Self acceptance is not loving what others think you are or loving the fact that others accept you. I'll stop before I write a book but let me end with this :
    thank you for this lovely post sis & just by reading, there is no doubt that you are beautiful inside out.
    God bless

